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SANDISK CompactFlash Card(4.0GB)
Manual de Usuario

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  • Idiomas: English
Precio: $4.99

Descripción del SANDISK CompactFlash Card(4.0GB) Manual de Usuario

Manual del propietario completo en formato digital. El manual estará disponible para descarga como archivo PDF después de que lo compre.

El Manual del Propietario (a veces llamado Manual del Usuario o Guía del Usuario) contiene información sobre cómo utilizar su dispositivo. Después de colocar la orden le enviaremos las instrucciones de descarga a su dirección de e-mail.

The manual is available in languages: English

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SanDisk 4.0GB CompactFlash Card Quick Start Guide
This is a user guide for the SanDisk 4.0GB CompactFlash Card. How do I change switch positions? To change switch positions, simply use a slim instrument or even your fingernail to move the switch into the desired position. Switch 1 2 3 FAT16 --2.0GB 2.0GB FAT32 4.0GB 2.0GB 2.0GB

Understanding the �Switch-able� SanDisk 4.0GB CompactFlash Card
What is a FAT? FAT stands for File Allocation Table. A file allocation table is used by a particular file system to link addressable chunks of the storage media (known as clusters) to particular files. Under Windows operating system, there are three popular types of FATs (FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32), the difference being how many bits are used to address clusters. Associated with each type of FAT is a data structure called the Directory that stores file names, sizes, modification information, etc. What is the difference between FAT16 and FAT32 formats? The FAT16 format uses a 16-bit and FAT32 uses a 32-bit number to point to where the clusters of a file are stored. FAT32 was introduced by Microsoft to circumvent the 2.0GB card capacity limit and allow access to storage media up to several Terabytes. In addition, the directory structure of FAT32 increases the maximum number of files that can be stored on the media from that of FAT16. Why do FAT16 and FAT32 formats affect my use of the 4.0GB CompactFlash card? FAT16 enabled devices limit your CompactFlash card�s capacity to 2.0GB or less. To allow you to use the 4.0GB card in a FAT16 device we have created the ability to switch the card between two, 2.0GB partitions as well as a single 4.0GB partition. FAT16 devices cannot use CompactFlash cards formatted as FAT32. FAT32 allows you to store data more effectively.

For cameras and devices that can only use FAT16 you need to use the 2nd and 3rd positions. (Consult your device user guide or contact the device manufacturer if you are not sure if your device can use only FAT16) Position 1 allows you to use the whole 4.0GB of space but it is formatted as FAT32. Only devices that use FAT32 can access card in this position Position 2 allows you to use the 1st 2.0GB of space Position 3 allows you to use the 2nd 2.0GB of space

What happens to my files when I switch to position #1 (4.0GB) from position #2 or #3? When you switch to position #1 all data on the card may be lost. Even if the data is not deleted, it will not be viewable in position #1. Please save data to a PC before switching to position # 1. What happens to my files when I switch between positions #2 and #3? You may switch between positions #2 and #3 without losing data. You can use the two separate 2.0GB partitions to store different types of data or to allow you to store 4.0GB of data using a FAT16 device. My CompactFlash card no longer works in my FAT16 device after formatting it on Windows XP. Why? Windows XP formats cards 64MB and higher as FAT32 by default. Format the card again and make sure to choose FAT16.

The SanDisk 4.0GB CompactFlash Card Switch
Where is it located on the card? The switch is located on the lower left-hand area of the card if you are looking at the back label.

Position #3 = 2.0GB Position #2 = 2.0GB Position #1 = 4.0GB


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