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Manual de Usuario

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  • Idiomas: English
Precio: $4.99

Descripción del WHIRLPOOL B4007X0 Manual de Usuario

Manual del propietario completo en formato digital. El manual estará disponible para descarga como archivo PDF después de que lo compre.

El Manual del Propietario (a veces llamado Manual del Usuario o Guía del Usuario) contiene información sobre cómo utilizar su dispositivo. Después de colocar la orden le enviaremos las instrucciones de descarga a su dirección de e-mail.

The manual is available in languages: English

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BROILING TIPS . Your oven door should be completely closed whrle brotling. . Use only the brorler pan and grid that came wrth your range for broil.
lng. They are made for proper drarnage of fat and llqulds and help prevent spatter. smoke or fire. Do not preheat when brorlrng. For even brorlrng on both sides start the lood on a cold pan Allow slightly more than half the cookmg time for the frrsl sde then turn the food using tongs. If you pierce the meat wrth a fork, the furces escape.

The closer the food lo the broil burner the faster the meal browns or the outslde, yet slays red lo pink In the center Moving the meat farthe� away from the burner lets the meal cook to the center while brownq outside




flack Posllron 4 = Highest 1 = Lowesl

Total Times (Minutes)

. When broiling frozen meal, use one rack posllion lower than shown
in the chart and up to times the broiling lime.

S&sake 1� Thick Medium Well Done Ground Beef Pan(es Medium 1� Thrck Medium �9 Thtc4 LarnhC:hop\ 1� Thick Pork Chops 1 Thck Pork Chops �/7 lh�ck ~Ham Slice �f?� 1n:;k F\sh (F~lte~sL Chick@,,-,-PI&es)-t I i I I I ! -

9-l 1 13 15 21-23

. Tnm the outer layer of fat from steaks and chops. Slit the fatty edges . . . . .
lo keep the meat lrom curling. Always put the food berng broiled on rhe proper rack (see chart at nght) Food placed too close to the brorler may spatter. smoke or catch fire For maxrmum fucrness. salt the flrst side lust before turning the mea: Salt Ihe second srde just before servq Brush chrcken and lrsh wrth butter several trmes as they brorl When brollrng fish. grease the gnd to prevent strckrng. Never leave a sorted brorler pan In the range. Grease In Ihe pan may smoke or burn the next time the oven IS used See page 9� for 11~s on cleanrng the brorler pan and grid. Be sure you know how lo put out a grease fire See page 4

3 4 3 3 3 -__ 3 3 ? 9

i t t

16-18 79


1821 -17 29 16 �6 11 12 I I 1.3 45 55 8 1:

m 2 I F z a. 00


PAN This chart IS a general guide. The size. weight, Ihicknes: and starting lemperature of the food, as well as your OWI personal preference. will affecl the cook time.

Brolllng IS cockrng by clrecl heat from the upper oven burner Tender culs of meal or marInaled meat should be selecleo for brolllng For best results sieaks and chops should be al least j/a� lhlck. Afier placlng fooa on Ihe broiler pan, slide the pan Into the proper rack poslllon The recommended rack postllon and cookrng lime can be lound in the chart below Most fooas can be brollea at the HI settrng Select :ne LO broil set:!ng to acold excessive browning or drying of foods that shouia be cooked to Ihe well done sraqe (sxh as thick por;c chops or poultry)

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