NOTES: 1. The PBA number or AA number is found on a small label on the component side of the board. 2. The 440BX AGPset kit used on this PBA revision consists of two components as follows:
Device 82443BX 82371EB
Stepping B1 A0
S-Spec Numbers SL2T5 SL2T6 SL2MY
The following errata are contained in the Pentium® II Processor Specification Update (Order Number 243337) for the Pentium II processor and either do not apply to the WS440BX motherboard or have been worked-around in this PBA and/or BIOS revision: 3, 10-11, 17, 27-28, 32, 41, 50, 1AP-3AP. All other errata associated with the processor apply to this PBA revision. The following items are contained in the Intel® 82443BX Specification Update (Order Number 290639) and either do not apply to the WS440BX motherboard or have been worked around in this PBA and/or BIOS revision: Erratum 3. All other errata associated with the AGPset apply to this PBA revision. The following items are contained in the Intel® 82371EB (PIIX4E) Specification Update (Order Number 290635) and either do not apply to the WS440BX motherboard or have been worked around in this PBA and/or BIOS revision: None. All other errata associated with the PIIX4E apply to this PBA revision.