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Manual de Usuario

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  • Idiomas: English
Precio: $4.99

Descripción del WHIRLPOOL 3488XRW Manual de Usuario

Manual del propietario completo en formato digital. El manual estará disponible para descarga como archivo PDF después de que lo compre.

El Manual del Propietario (a veces llamado Manual del Usuario o Guía del Usuario) contiene información sobre cómo utilizar su dispositivo. Después de colocar la orden le enviaremos las instrucciones de descarga a su dirección de e-mail.

The manual is available in languages: English

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SELF-CLEANING Re_0"¢_ _ _ _ _ _v_ _ _ _ay _ !eft i_ b_ _!! d_sco!_ _qd_not_ _ _e_!ean_ Clean oven frame, door frame and around the oven vent with a non-abrasive cleaning agent such as Bon Ami. These areas are not exposed to cleaning temperatures and should be cleaned toclean cycle, during the prevent soil from baking on Wipe up excess grease or spillovers from the oven bottom to prevent excessive smoking during the clean cycle, DO NOT USE OVEN CLEANERS OR OVEN LINER PROTECTIVE COATINGS OF ANY KIND ON THE SELFCLEAN OVEN FINISH OR AROUND ANY PART OF THE OVEN. To prevent damage, do not clean or rub the gasket around the oven door. The gasket is designed to seal in heatduring the clean cycle,

SELF-CLEANING Whenthe door is locked and the CLEAN pad is pressed, the oven automatically begins to heat to cleaning temperatures, As the oven reaches cleaning temperatures, that LOCK indicator will turn on to show the an internal lock mechanism has engaged. At this point, the oven door can not be unlocked and opened. To prevent damage to the door and lock lever, do not force the lock lever to the left when the LOCK indicator is displayed, About one hour after the completion of the clean cycle, the internal Iockwill disengage and the LOCK indicator willturn off. At this point, the lock lever can be moved to the left (unlocked position) and the door opened, The first few times the oven is cleaned, some smoke and odor may bedetected, This is normal and will reduce or disappear with use. If the oven is heavily soiled, or if the broiler pan is left in the oven, smoke and odor may occur,

It is normal for the cooktop of the range to become hot during a clean cycle. Therefore touching the cooktop during a self-clean cycle should be avoided. As the oven heats and cools, you my hear sounds of metal parts expanding and contracting. This is normal and will not damage your appliance.

Some soil may leave a light gray, powdery ash which can be removed with a that the clean cycle was it not long damp cloth. If soil remains, indicates enough. The soil will be removed during the next clean cycle. If the oven racks do not slide smoothly after a clean cycle, wipe racks and embossed rack supports with a small amount of vegetable oil to restore ease of movement. Fine, hair-like lines may appear in the oven interior or oven door. This is a normalcondition resulting from heating and cooling of the porcelain finish. These lines do not affect the performance of the oven.

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