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B G R adjustment Horizontal magnetic field = GENCE 2. Using the remote controller, call NORMAL
No. point Adjustment Condition / Procedure Waveform or others Uniformity Before adjustment begin, 1 CONVER1. Receive the Crosshatch Pattern signal.
(To perform Vertical magnetic field = 0.1G ADJUSTMENT mode. B after the purity Make sure degauss it. (To be done G and conver(CRT surface) adjustment.) 1. Turn the 4 pole magnet to a proper opening
after the purity Static convergence gence (North direction Red uniformity) 2. Turn the 6 pole magnet to a proper opening 2. Pay attention to edge of CRT, if the landing is poor, adjust by attaching the compenover the blue and red colours. B sation magnet at back of the CRT. (Refer adjustment.) 1. Horizontal mf = Set to monocolour screen Red colours. and adjust to + 0.25G. R G B Fig. 5-1 Miss landing angle in order to superpose the blue and red
R angle in order to superpose the green colour
to figure.)
(CRT back) Compensation magnet 1. Adjust convergence on fringes of the (South direction Red uniformity) R G B
Dynamic convergence Fig. 5-2
and adjust to 0.25G.
2. Pay attention to edge of CRT, if the land-
ing is poor, adjust by attaching the compen-
sation magnet at back of the CRT.
(The same mothod is aplied for adjustment of G
screen in the following steps. 1. Horizontal mf = Set to monocolour screen Red a) Fig. 5-1: R Drive wedge at point "a" and swing the deflection coil upward. b) 5-2: Fig. 5-3 Drive the wedge at point "b" "c" and swing the deflection coil downward. R
Drive "c" wedge deeper and swing the and changing both the magnetic field for North deflection coil rightward. and South direction.) d) Fig. 5-4: Drive "b" wedge deeper and swing the
Wedge "a"
c) Fig. 5-3: monocolour screen Blue for blue uniformity, B Fig. 5-4
* During the pasting of compensation magnet, deflection coil leftward.
9-1 9-2
use the crosshatch pattern. 2. Fix all wedges on the CRT and apply glass Make sure there is no blur or bend lines octape over them. cur. 3. Apply lacquer to the deflection yoke lock screw, If the blur or bend lines are serious, adjust magnet unit (purity, 4 pole, 6 pole magnets) About the location of compensation magnet to make and magnet unit lock screw. 100 Deg. 100 Deg. it better. Finally received the Red and Blue only
signals to make sure there is no other colours on the screen. Wedge "b"
Wedge "c"
Fig. 5-5
6-Pole Magnet. CRT Neck
Purity Magnet
26 ± 0.5mm Lacquer 4-Pole Magnet
Fig. 5-6
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